Black Myth: Wukong - Land Temple


Black Myth: Wukong - Land Temple

The Land Temple can be used for breathing exercises, cultivation, teleportation, and spell preparation.

Breathing Exercises: Restores the body and replenishes the gourd, while simultaneously attracting mountain monsters.

Teleportation: Instantly moves to any Land Temple where incense has been offered, while also attracting mountain monsters.

Spell Preparation: Selects the spells needed for combat.


Mystic Verses

Though the Land Temple is small, its spiritual efficacy is not lacking.

Frequent visits will surely bring blessings and rewards.

Breathing Exercises

Returning to the roots of breath is the essence of life, capable of seizing the creation of heaven and earth.

Practicing breathing exercises in the Land Temple restores the body to its original state.

In the Land Temple, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth,

the spiritual energy of the universe will stir, attracting groups of monsters from the mountains.


With divine techniques, one can shorten the distance of the earth's veins.

In an instant, one can be a thousand miles away.


To change existing talents and spells, specific rituals must be performed.

Only in the Land Temple can one freely control these changes.


By offering incense and plucking hair in the Land Temple, one can entrust their spirit.

Even in times of hardship and danger, if one loses their life, they can still be revived nearby.
