Puppet Spider Warrior


Puppet Spider Warrior

Crooked nose, lopsided mouth, sharp fangs dripping with toxic sludge.

Check the ears, chop the forehead, an ugly face with eight eyes.

Name: Puppet Spider Warrior

Category: Spirit Monster

Location: Purple Cloud Mountain

The Puppet Spider Warrior is a spirit monster from Purple Cloud Mountain, a puppet controlled by a spider.

Divine Image of the Taoist

Crooked nose, lopsided mouth, sharp fangs dripping with toxic sludge.

Check the ears, chop the forehead, an ugly face with eight eyes.

Years ago, a woodcutter lived deep in the mountains. Once, after watching a puppet show at a market, he became enamored with it and longed to see it again.

One day, while chopping wood in the mountains, he heard cheers and followed the sound. He saw a group of monsters gathered around a lively show. Curious, he climbed a rock for a better view. The monsters were watching a thrilling performance by a red-clad monster spinning with dual daggers.

Drawn closer by his curiosity, the woodcutter noticed that the performing monster had legs tied to its back with strings, clearly a puppet show. He climbed a tree for a closer look.

The performer's grotesque appearance amused the woodcutter more than any show he had seen before. Suddenly feeling something cold on his neck, he touched it and found green saliva. Looking up, he saw a large, lotus-colored spider on the tree, its legs connected by many strings controlling the distant monster.

Startled, the woodcutter fell from the tree. The spider stopped, and the watching monsters turned their gaze to him. Terrified, the woodcutter fled and fell ill upon returning home. Despite taking many medicines, he soon died.


The Puppet Spider Warrior often hides in courtyards, attacking by dropping down wrapped in spider silk.

Its forelegs are sharp blades used for slashing and sweeping attacks.

It can also spray a large amount of venom, causing severe poison damage.
