Staff-Wielding Taoist Wiki


Staff-Wielding Taoist

Divine Image of the Taoist

Clouds and waters of the immortal mountains stretch to the horizon, where one looks in vain for home.

Wielding a staff, he ventures into perilous nests, to enjoy the white snow and yellow buds.

Name: Staff-Wielding Taoist

Category: Spirit

Location: Purple Cloud Mountain

The Staff-Wielding Taoist is a spirit from Purple Cloud Mountain, transformed from a villager of the village below.

Years ago, there was a mountain village built on a ridge infested with insects. Due to frequent strange occurrences, the villagers gradually moved away, leaving it a deserted village. It is said that in the village below the mountain, there was a young man whose mother had died and whose family was poor. His father was a lazy man who seldom cared for him, and the villagers also looked down on him, often bullying him. Feeling that he could not survive in the village, he decided to hide in the deserted village on the ridge.

That deserted village was occupied by a group of insect demons. When the young man climbed the ridge, he was immediately captured by the demons. Having no attachments and a desire to die, he did not resist. Seeing his condition, the insect demons did not trouble him and settled him in a broken house.

That night, a middle-aged Taoist came with clothes and food, and said to the young man, "I heard you have nowhere to go, so I brought you some necessities. If you don't mind, take me as your master and stay here. I can also teach you some methods to cultivate your energy." The young man, who had not been cared for in a long time, quickly changed into the Taoist robe, performed the ceremony of accepting a master, and from then on lived and practiced with the insect demons. By day they moved and sat together, and by night they rested and stopped together.

One day, a scholar burst into the young man's room and said, "I just escaped from the cave of the demons. They had me sealed in a cocoon, I don't know what they intended. I'm about to flee this place, and since you are a living person, let's leave together." The young man shook his head and said, "I am doing well here, why should I leave?" The scholar angrily replied, "Because they are demons, and you are a human. Not to mention whether they will harm you in the future, if you stay with them for too long, you will also become a monster."

"You are right," the young man replied, and picking up the long staff beside him, he knocked the scholar to the ground, "Even if I become a monster, I am willing to do so." Seeing that the young man was beyond persuasion, the scholar, enduring his pain, crawled out the door and fled alone.



The Staff-Wielding Taoist attacks by thrusting with his staff or swinging it to strike.
