Centipede Guai Wiki


Centipede Guai

Centipede Guai is the boss of the Thousand Red Cave area in the trial event and serves as a "tutorial boss."

Name: CentipedeCategory: Boss

Location: Thousand Red Cave

 Attack: Unknown

Defense: Unknown

Shadow God Picture

Curled up without a head or tail, its legs flutter and claws are like spikes.

Its pincers are venomous and spray evil wind; narrow encounters leave no chance of survival.


The slow-moving swarm summoned by the Centipede can be outrun by circling around the cave quickly.


"It smashes, I dodge; it rolls, I chase; it roars, I run. Find an opportunity? Punish it with a combo and be done with it!" Fixed opening move

Leaping Strike

The Centipede will leap from a distance at the beginning of the fight. You can dodge it by moving forward and rolling, which will bring you behind the Centipede. Rolling to the side will usually bring you to the side or front of the Centipede.

After dodging the leap, you can counter with a light attack, but there is usually not enough time to complete a full light attack combo. The Centipede will then launch subsequent attacks based on the player's position.

Note that the leaping strike is not limited to the opening move; during the normal standing phase, the Centipede may leap when the distance between the player and the Centipede is significant.

Triple Smash

After dodging the leaping strike, if the player stays in front of the Centipede's head, it will launch two head smashes followed by a back smash, totaling three attacks. The back smash is slower than the head smashes.

After dodging the back smash, the player will have time to complete a full light attack combo. If a perfect dodge was executed during the previous attacks, consider countering the slower back smash with a staff attack.

Back Smash

After dodging the leaping strike, if the player stays behind the Centipede, it will directly launch a back smash.

The handling method is the same as the back smash after the two head smashes mentioned above.

Normal Standing Phase Long-range Poison Spray

From a distance, the Centipede will spray poisonous liquid forward. The player can avoid most of the damage by slightly moving their position.

However, this move is not easy to punish or has low punishment returns, so try to avoid triggering it as much as possible.

First Stage Bug Roll

From a distance, the Centipede will curl up and roll towards the player 3-5 times quickly.

The player can choose to block the bug roll with "Copper Head Iron Arm" at the start-up stage. If the bug roll has already traveled a certain distance and gained enough acceleration, it will not be stopped by "Copper Head Iron Arm" and will continue to roll after the collision.

If the Centipede has already started accelerating, the third stage of the bug roll is a critical point for the player. In the first stage (before summoning the swarm), the bug roll is fixed at three stages. If the third stage does not hit the player, the Centipede will stop after touching the wall, giving the player some time to deal damage. If the third stage hits the player, the Centipede will drift and stop in the field, immediately connecting to the next action, and the player will lose their damage output time.

Medium-range Rush

At medium range (about one roll away), the Centipede will arch its body and quickly rush forward twice. The second rush has a strong directional adjustment and will continue until it hits the wall.

If you have two or more "beans," consider quickly using the standing staff technique to avoid the rush attack and charge up to three beans for a counterattack.

Close-range Poison Spray

At close range, the Centipede will spray poisonous liquid downward. The player can avoid damage by moving their position.

Second Stage Marker

On-the-spot Casting The Centipede will let out a long howl, summoning dozens of small bugs that curl into balls and roll toward the player. Players can use the standing staff technique to charge up or block with the staff.

Second Stage Bug Roll

In the second stage (after summoning the swarm), if the bug roll's third stage does not hit the player, the Centipede will continue to
